
Telos UK is a
member of the
Telos Foundation

Randall's Interview with The Man Who Walked Into The
Fifth-dimensional Lemurian City Of Telos, Mt. Shasta!
This has been
To hear the interview on the 23rd October 2021, please register at the link below
Register to hear Lowell's story here: https://randallmonk.easywebinar.live/registration-80
There will be a replay if you register and miss the live event. |
"If you can be self-luminous in a hundred years you can also be
self-luminous now! Beauty and order are Heaven's first Law!"
This is from the Flame of the Will of God First Ray.
A truly inspiring excerpt from the Sacred Flames Book chapter 1 and can be found in the card deck. |
International Ascension ceremony
To be held on the third Thursday of each month
Please click HERE for more information
World Wide Unity Meditation
Join others in the Telos worldwide community for a
World Wide Unity Meditation
on the first Sunday of each month 7:30 pm UK time. |
An Invitation from Telos-USA; a Spiritual journey- You Tube Video |
An invitation to join a group dedicated to the Ascension of Mother Earth and all her kingdoms. Through ancient Lemurian teachings of gentle guidance and love, we can create a new world of prosperity and peace. Please join us in the most wonderful adventure of your life. |
Welcome to the Official Website of Telos UK / Wales
We are a group of dedicated spiritual individuals. Our spiritual headquarters is based in Pembrokeshire, Wales.
We have been inspired by the the very transformational and profound messages and teachings from Telos, the City of Light in Inner Earth, given to humanity by Master Adama, channelled by Aurelia Louise Jones. We wish to share this wondrous information with others and to spread the teachings given to us by our Lemurian brothers and sisters.
Our aims are to:
- to awaken humanity to Christ Consciousness.
- to create a world where universal love unites all races and nations into one family.
- to promote a world filled with everlasting peace and harmony in every area of the planet.
- to assist the ascension process of every individual and the whole planet.
- to encourage the deeper examination of the Telos writings through study groups, throughout the UK and beyond.
- to work with the Lemurian Connection, the Telos Foundation and Mount Shasta Light Publishing to promote this work through out the world.
The destined time to create this new civilization is now. In this time of great planetary change, every person has an increased possibility, as well as the responsibility, to become one with their higher self and to actively participate in the manifestation of this new world.
Telos UK is not affiliated to any religious organisation or sect. Anyone, regardless of their religious denomination, race or creed are welcome to read, explore, and experience for themselves, one of the most wondrous adventures of their lives - the journey of unwavering commitment that can assist all to their glory of Ascension in the light and attaining spiritual freedom forever. |
Quote from Telos Volume 3: "We, the Masters of Light, are offering you through the simple teachings in these books, all the keys you will ever need to make it all the way to your Ascension with Ease, Grace and Wonderment."
Queen Califa
California is believed to have been named after this legionary Amazonian warrior queen.
An entry in wikipedia suggests that
the island of California was ruled by a queen of majestic proportions, more beautiful than all others, and in the very vigour of her womanhood.
She was reputed the most beautiful
of women. She was valiant and courageous and ardent with a brave heart, and had ambitions to execute nobler actions than had been performed by any other ruler.
Many thanks to Cheryl Yambrach Rose-Hall the artist who has painted this beautiful picture of Queen Califa and has given her permission to reproduce the image on this website. |
Expression of Gratitude
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our dearest teacher Aurelia Louise Jones, Master Adama and our Lemurian brothers and sisters in the inner Earth city of Light: Telos, for the wondrous, inspirational material you have passed to humanity for our spiritual evolution. We are honoured and humbled to be able to serve with sister nations of the world to spread this information in unconditional love for the highest good of all concerned.
Susan Parry, Daryl Walsh and
Rosalind Bevan |